Obsidian - Android Integration


see Obsidian - Sync

Android Native App


Based on Capacitor.

For my vault it needs a few seconds to open. Therefore, for quick note taking I use another app: #Markor.

Custom configuration folder

You can change the configuration folder for the mobile app. This improves the performance of the mobile app because not every plugin you use on your desktop has to be loaded.

Settings → About → Override config folder

I'm currently using two folders:

I want to have some configurations the same on desktop and mobile. Therefore I use a script to update the mobile configuration with my desktop configuration:


I use Markor for quick note taking, mainly into one (huge) file called "Mobile Notes". Later, when I'm at my desk, I transfer them into other notes.


Your gallery app may index your images in your vault. To prevent that create an empty file called .nomedia in your vault root.