Sustainable Web Design


Creators:: Tom Greenwood
Title:: Sustainable Web Design
Year:: 2021
Category:: #book/sustainability #book/computer
ISBN:: 978-1-952616-03-7
Publisher:: A Book Apart

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Status:: 🟩
Date finished:: 2023-06-06

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The Book in 3 Sentences

My Top 3 Quotes


What is Sustainable Web Design?

Honesty principle from the Sustainable Web Manifesto parallels the 1. principle of Extinction Rebellion: "Tell the truth"

Chris Bolin created a website than can only be accessed when the user is disconnected from the internet:

We all have a role to play in creating a sustainable web, whatever our job may be in the world of digital.

In the 1950s the campaign "Keep America Beautiful" by Coca Cola and others managed to shift the entire debate around America's garbage and litter problems away from the industry and onto consumers. This strategy has been copied time and time again since.

Margaret Mead:

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.

Designing Low-Carbon Websites

  • As a general rule, WEBP is the most efficient format for photographs, typcially with files about 30 percent smaller than JPEG (WebP Compression Study by Google).
  • AVIF, a newer image image format, is quickly catching momentum in terms of browser compatibility, and can be less than half the size of WEBP (AVIF has landed by
  • PNG or GIF are usually the most efficient formats for simple images that only use a few block colors, such as icons and logos.
  • For video, MP4 is generally more efficient and delivers smaller files than animated GIF, and also provides better accessibility with features such as audio description tracks and captioning.

One of the most efficient websites:

Server Utilization

There is a sweet spot between loading a server with too much and too little.

Tim Nash (platform lead of 34SP):

A server running overprovisioned will end up in locking processes, so its high CPU and memory usage will become constant, whereas if the load was balanced across multiple servers, that locking wouldn't occur, memory gets released quicker, and the load is overall much smaller.

Problems to consider:


IEA: only 23 % of the worlds electricity is currently generated from renewable sources

How green is green? Different types of web host's green energy commitment:

Selling sustainable web design

Different customer objectives that can be leveraged to deliver sustainable solutions:


Sustainable web design tools and frameworks: