Big Ball of Mud

Status:: 🟩
Links:: Software Architecture Complexity


Authors:: Foote, Brian; Yoder, Joseph
Title:: Big Ball of Mud
Publication Title:: "Pattern languages of program design"
Date:: 1997

These patterns explore the forces that encourage the emergence of a BIG BALL OF MUD, and the undeniable effectiveness of this approach to software architecture. What are the people who build them doing right? If more high-minded architectural approaches are to compete, we must understand what the forces that lead to a BIG BALL OF MUD are, and examine alternative ways to resolve them.

A number of additional patterns emerge out of the BIG BALL OF MUD. We discuss them in turn. Two principal questions underlie these patterns: Why are so many existing systems architecturally undistinguished, and what can we do to improve them?

Notes & Annotations

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πŸ“‘ Annotations (imported on 2024-03-17#06:55:18)

foote.yoder.1997.bigballmud (pg. 22)

To counteract these forces, a permanent commitment to CONSOLIDATION and refactoring must be made. It is through such a process that local and global forces are reconciled over time.

foote.yoder.1997.bigballmud (pg. 25)

Always beginning with a working system helps to encourage PIECEMEAL GROWTH. Refactoring is the primary means by which programmers maintain order from inside the systems in which they are working. The goal of refactoring is to leave a system working as well after a refactoring as it was before the refactoring. Aggressive unit and integration testing can help to guarantee that this goal is met.

foote.yoder.1997.bigballmud (pg. 30)

To begin to get a handle on spaghetti code, find those sections of it that seem less tightly coupled, and start to draw architectural boundaries there. Separate the global information into distinct data structures, and enforce communication between these enclaves using welldefined interfaces.

foote.yoder.1997.bigballmud (pg. 30)

Therefore, if you can’t easily make a mess go away, at least cordon it off. This restricts the disorder to a fixed area, keeps it out of sight, and can set the stage for additional refactoring.

foote.yoder.1997.bigballmud (pg. 31)

Putting a fresh interface around a run down region of the system can be the first step on the way architectural rehabilitation. This is a long row to hoe, however. Distilling meaningful abstractions from a BIG BALL OF MUD is a difficult and demand task. It requires skill, insight, and persistence.

foote.yoder.1997.bigballmud (pg. 35)

There are good reasons that good programmers build BIG BALLS OF MUD. It may well be that the economics of the software world are such that the market moves so fast that long term architectural ambitions are foolhardy, and that expedient, slash-and-burn, disposable programming is, in fact, a state-of-the-art strategy. The success of these approaches, in any case, is undeniable, and seals their pattern-hood.

foote.yoder.1997.bigballmud (pg. 35)

People build BIG BALLS OF MUD because they work. In many domains, they are the only things that have been shown to work. Indeed, they work where loftier approaches have yet to demonstrate that they can compete.