The internet of tomorrow must sleep more and grow old

Status:: 🟩
Links:: Energy consumption of network communication, Energy consumption per transferred data is a bad metric


Authors:: Jacob, Romain; Vanbever, Laurent
Title:: The internet of tomorrow must sleep more and grow old
Publication Title:: "ACM SIGEnergy Energy Informatics Review"
Date:: 2023
DOI:: 10.1145/3630614.3630620

Notes & Annotations

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πŸ“‘ Annotations (imported on 2024-03-23#20:01:33)

jacob.vanbever.2023.internettomorrowmust (pg. 2)

Network devices are β€œalways-on” but largely underutilized because (i) ISPs design their network for peak traffic and (ii) aggressively over-provision to avoid congestion. Operators have reported upgrading links when utilization reaches as little as 50% [14, 39].

jacob.vanbever.2023.internettomorrowmust (pg. 2)

The energy consumed by today’s networking devices is essentially independent of their load, as illustrated in Figure 1; i.e., most of the cost comes from powering on the device (P0), regardless of its utilization.

jacob.vanbever.2023.internettomorrowmust (image) (pg. 2)