Managing Energy Consumption as an Architectural Quality Attribute
Authors:: Kazman, Rick; Haziyev, Serge; Yakuba, Andriy; Tamburri, Damian A.
Title:: Managing Energy Consumption as an Architectural Quality Attribute
Publication Title:: "IEEE Software"
Date:: 2018
DOI:: 10.1109/MS.2018.3571227
Kazman, R., Haziyev, S., Yakuba, A., & Tamburri, D. A. (2018). Managing Energy Consumption as an Architectural Quality Attribute. IEEE Software, 35(5), 102β107.
A look at the software for an automated weather station shows that energy can be treated like any other architectural quality attribute. Itβs no different, from the perspective of architectural design, than modifiability, performance, or availability. It can be modeled and prototyped, and we can reason about the design tradeoffs required to achieve better energy use.
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