Architecting for Sustainability

Status:: 🟩
Links:: Software Architecture Sustainability


Authors:: Lago, Patricia; Greefhorst, Danny; Woods, Eoin
Title:: Architecting for Sustainability
Date:: 2022
Publisher:: Gesellschaft fΓΌr Informatik e.V.

Notes & Annotations

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πŸ“‘ Annotations (imported on 2024-03-08#08:10:54)

lago.etal.2022.architectingsustainability (pg. 5)

It appears that practitioners are personally motivated to strive for sustainability and see that they can show leadership by incorporating sustainability in design. In contrast, the organisations that they work for seem to be less motivated, often prioritising bottom-line financial results over sustainability. More senior management focus on sustainability is needed, along with concrete objectives for sustainability and governance of the results.

lago.etal.2022.architectingsustainability (comment) (pg. 9)

Open research questions (4 out of 9):

  • New architectural paradigms (for sustainable architecture)

  • How to make (the) sustainability impact of architectural decisions visible?

  • How to trade-off different sustainability dimensions and aspects?

  • (Creating) metrics and associated tools for sustainability assessment

lago.etal.2022.architectingsustainability (pg. 9)

These research questions reveal that there are some fundamental aspects of this topic which still need investigation but that there is also a need for practical guidance and assistance for those trying to improve the sustainability of their software through software architecture

lago.etal.2022.architectingsustainability (pg. 10)

From this work we conclude that sustainability requires contributions and commitment on all levels, from senior management to practitioners to research and education.