Quantifying Data Center Scope 3 GHG Emissions to Prioritize Reduction Efforts

Status:: 🟩
Links:: Carbon Footprint of ICT Devices Energy Consumption & Carbon Emissions of Data Centers


Authors:: Lin, Paul; Bunger, Robert; Avelar, Victor
Title:: Quantifying Data Center Scope 3 GHG Emissions to Prioritize Reduction Efforts
Date:: 2023
URL:: https://www.se.com/ww/en/download/document/SPD_WP99_EN/

Notes & Annotations

Color-coded highlighting system used for annotations

📑 Annotations (imported on 2025-01-27#11:18:04)

lin.etal.2023.quantifyingdatacenter (image) (pg. 2)

GHG Protocol scopes and emissions across the data center value chain Source: Adapted from Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Accounting and Reporting Standard (https://ghgprotocol.org/standards/scope-3-standard)

lin.etal.2023.quantifyingdatacenter (pg. 3)

Main assumptions & methodology

  • 1MW data center capacity, Tier 3, 50% loaded, based on a reference design.
  • 6kW/rack average power density
  • 1.34 average annual PUE (N+1 power and chilled water cooling)
  • 0.511 t CO2e/MWh average electricity emission factor for U.S.
  • IT servers and networking gear are 50% physically populated
  • Allocation of IT power to IT equipment
    • Servers integrated with storage - 94%
    • Networking gear - 6%
  • Carbon intensity for servers6 is 5 t CO2e per kW of IT capacity. Networking gear is the same as the servers.
lin.etal.2023.quantifyingdatacenter (pg. 4)

The cumulative carbon footprint of the data center was calculated at year 1, 5, 10, 15, and 20 to assess emissions trends and composition between Scope 1, 2, and 3, and other perspectives. Although data centers report their emissions on an annual basis (not cumulative), presenting the cumulative carbon footprint at various years helps with trending and benchmarking.

lin.etal.2023.quantifyingdatacenter (image) (pg. 5)

Cumulative total carbon footprint profile over time

lin.etal.2023.quantifyingdatacenter (image) (pg. 5)

Cumulative total carbon footprint comparisons between the United States vs. France vs. Singapore at year 15

lin.etal.2023.quantifyingdatacenter (image) (pg. 7)

Yearly embodied carbon profile for IT vs. facility infrastructure over time

lin.etal.2023.quantifyingdatacenter (image) (pg. 11)

Summary of findings with proposed actions from this study

lin.etal.2023.quantifyingdatacenter (pg. 12)

The lowest carbon data center is the one you don’t have to build. In other words, optimizing IT demand to avoid over-building also plays an important role in data center carbon reduction.

lin.etal.2023.quantifyingdatacenter (pg. 13)

If we extend the server’s lifespan an extra year, we reduce the cumulative data center embodied carbon by about 16%.