Four Decades of the Green Computing Study: A Bibliometric Overview

Status:: 🟩
Links:: Sustainable Computing


Authors:: Purnomo, Agung; Anam, Fatkul; Afia, Nur; Septianto, Andre; Mufliq, Achmad
Title:: Four Decades of the Green Computing Study: A Bibliometric Overview
Date:: 2021
DOI:: 10.1109/ICIMTech53080.2021.9535069


Purnomo, A., Anam, F., Afia, N., Septianto, A., & Mufliq, A. (2021). Four Decades of the Green Computing Study: A Bibliometric Overview. 2021 International Conference on Information Management and Technology (ICIMTech), 1, 795–800.


Type:: #zotero/conferencePaper
Keywords:: [Green Software]



Study on green computing continues to develop but is limited to one country and/or one field. From a bibliometric overview, this study aims to visually study mapping and research trends in the field of green computing on an international scale. This study used bibliometric techniques with secondary data from Scopus. Analyze and visualize data using the VOSViewer program and the analyze search results function on Scopus. This study analyzed 2,596 scientific documents published from 1979 to 2020. According to the research, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, and Rajkumar Buyya from the University of Melbourne had the most active organization and individual scientists in green computing research. China and IEEE Access were the most countries and disseminated outlets of green computing. There were five category maps of collaborative researchers from around the world. Based on the identification of a collection of knowledge created from forty-one years of publication, this research proposes a grouping of green computing study themes: Computer science, Environmental management, Mobile computing, Energy, and Sustainability, abbreviated as CEMES study themes.

Notes & Annotations

📑 Annotations (imported on 2023-06-05#16:01:16)

purnomo.etal.2021.fourdecadesgreen (pg. 2)

104 countries are identified to have researched green computing. China was the leading research nation in green computing publications (n = 963) and United States was next (n = 547). India (n = 259), United Kingdom (n = 176), Australia (n = 143), Canada (n = 138), Italy (n = 114), Iran (n = 113), South Korea (n = 107), and Spain (n = 95) were the next countries to join.

purnomo.etal.2021.fourdecadesgreen (pg. 3)

Rajkumar Buyya, a researcher from the University of Melbourne, Australia was the researcher with the most writings in the field of green computing

purnomo.etal.2021.fourdecadesgreen (pg. 5)

The study “The case for energy-proportional computing” by Barroso, L.A., Hélzle, U. published in “Journal of Computer” in 2007, was the most frequently cited, with 1,737 documents citing it.

📑 Annotations (imported on 2023-06-05#16:04:21)

purnomo.etal.2021.fourdecadesgreen (pg. 4)

The journal of “IEEE Access” with Q1 and SJR 0.78 with 294 documents was the most frequent source in the field of green computing.

purnomo.etal.2021.fourdecadesgreen (pg. 5)

According to the results, the number of international publications on green computing, as well as maps and visual patterns, has been increasing on an annual basis.