A Saga Pattern Microservice Reference Architecture for an Elastic SLO Violation Analysis

Status:: 🟩
Links::Β Data Consistency in Distributed Systems


Authors:: Speth, Sandro; Sties, Sarah; Becker, Steffen
Title:: A Saga Pattern Microservice Reference Architecture for an Elastic SLO Violation Analysis
Date:: 2022
URL:: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9779811/
DOI:: 10.1109/ICSA-C54293.2022.00029

Keywords:: [computer architecture, software architecture, πŸ”₯, πŸ’Ž, saga pattern, java, measurement, microservices, benchmarking, reference architecture, self-adaptation, industries, instruments, microservice architectures, service-level objectives]

Notes & Annotations

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πŸ“‘ Annotations (imported on 2024-05-15#17:12:04)

speth.etal.2022.sagapatternmicroservice (pg. 2)

Because of the TeaStore’s lack of a modern microservice framework, e.g., Java Spring, the synchronous communication, and its central persistence , we decided against extending it. A significant drawback of the central persistence service is that the service’s data is not distributed. Thus, there is no need for the saga pattern.

speth.etal.2022.sagapatternmicroservice (pg. 3)

Moreover, for implementing the saga pattern, the T2-Project utilises the Eventuate Tram framework4. Compared to other saga frameworks, Eventuate Tram has the least effort to use and the best execution [14]. As a standalone microservice framework, it is lacking. However, in combination with, e.g., Spring Boot, Eventuate Tram works well [13].