TeaStore: A Micro-Service Reference Application for Benchmarking, Modeling and Resource Management Research

Status:: 🟩
Links:: Microservices Reference and Benchmark Applications


Authors:: Von Kistowski, Joakim; Eismann, Simon; Schmitt, Norbert; Bauer, Andre; Grohmann, Johannes; Kounev, Samuel
Title:: TeaStore: A Micro-Service Reference Application for Benchmarking, Modeling and Resource Management Research
Date:: 2018
Publisher:: IEEE
URL:: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8526888/
DOI:: 10.1109/MASCOTS.2018.00030


Von Kistowski, J., Eismann, S., Schmitt, N., Bauer, A., Grohmann, J., & Kounev, S. (2018). TeaStore: A Micro-Service Reference Application for Benchmarking, Modeling and Resource Management Research. 2018 IEEE 26th International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS), 223–236. https://doi.org/10.1109/MASCOTS.2018.00030


Type:: #zotero/conferencePaper

Keywords:: [✅, Performance, Benchmarking, Microservices]



Modern distributed applications offer complex performance behavior and many degrees of freedom regarding deployment and configuration. Researchers employ various methods of analysis, modeling, and management that leverage these degrees of freedom to predict or improve non-functional properties of the software under consideration. In order to demonstrate and evaluate their applicability in the real world, methods resulting from such research areas require test and reference applications that offer a range of different behaviors, as well as the necessary degrees of freedom. Existing production software is often inaccessible for researchers or closed off to instrumentation. Existing testing and benchmarking frameworks, on the other hand, are either designed for specific testing scenarios, or they do not offer the necessary degrees of freedom. Further, most test applications are difficult to deploy and run, or are outdated. In this paper, we introduce the TeaStore, a state-of-the-art micro-service-based test and reference application. TeaStore offers services with different performance characteristics and many degrees of freedom regarding deployment and configuration to be used as a benchmarking framework for researchers. The TeaStore allows evaluating performance modeling and resource management techniques; it also offers instrumented variants to enable extensive run-time analysis. We demonstrate TeaStore's use in three contexts: performance modeling, cloud resource management, and energy efficiency analysis. Our experiments show that TeaStore can be used for evaluating novel approaches in these contexts and also motivates further research in the areas of performance modeling and resource management.

Notes & Annotations

📑 Annotations (imported on 2023-07-28#13:39:56)

vonkistowski.etal.2018.teastore (pg. 4)

The TeaStore consists of five distinct services and a Registry service as shown in Figure 1. All services communicate with the Registry. Additionally, the WebUI service issues calls to the Image-Provider, Authentication, Persistence and Recommender services.

vonkistowski.etal.2018.teastore (pg. 12)

The TeaStore is designed to offer the degrees of freedom and performance characteristics required by software management, prediction, and analysis research. Specifically, the TeaStore is designed to be used in one of three target domains: Evaluation of software performance models and model-extractors, evaluation of run-time software management methods, such as auto-scalers, and evaluation of software energy-efficiency, power models and optimization methods.