Digital Sobriety
The term "digital sobriety" was coined by the French think tank The Shift Project.
It is still mainly used in the French community. In other communities like in German the term Digital Sufficiency is preferred.
The Shift Project
The Shift Project uses Digital Sobriety as a target we should strive for. In their forecast of energy consumption development they define the sobriety scenario as follows:
"Sobriety": identical to the "Higher growth, higher EE" scenario until 2020, then a slowdown in traffic and production growth due to the implementation of sobriety practices. This scenario also includes a deceleration of data center energy efficiency gains after 2020 to test the robustness of the approach.
Digital sobriety is a global approach of digital, respectful of the earth and people.
Digital Sobriety Certificate
Greenspector offers a certificate for Digital Sobriety: How to get the Greenspector Digital Sobriety Certificate?
In Germany, the envite consulting GmbH provides it in the name of Greenspector.