Energy consumption & carbon footprint of ICT applications & services


Climate emissions of videostreaming


Zoom, video conferencing, energy, and emissions ยท David Mytton

Video Conferencing | E-Missions


Energy consumption of advertisements


The carbon cost of Black Friday sales in 2020
Our calculations estimate that online shopping on Black Friday this year will release around 429,000 metric tons of carbon emissions into the atmosphere.
โ€” The Dirty Delivery Report: counting the carbon cost of online shopping - Parcel and Postal Technology International

Online Gaming

Doctoral Thesis: @Aslan.2020.ClimateChangeImplications

aslan.2020.climatechangeimplications (pg. 225)

The total estimated life cycle carbon emissions of cloud gaming using a console is 0.151 kgCO2e per hour of gameplay.

Cloud Storage

For every 100 GB of data stored on a cloud we emit close to 10kg of CO2 each year, for which we need 2 new trees planted to take this out of the atmosphere. Almost everybody uses some type of cloud storage, privately if you own a smartphone. But also work related. Over 90% of companies are on the cloud.

Cloud Storage | E-Missions