Energy consumption of advertisements

The problem

parssinen.etal.2018.environmentalimpactassessment (pg. 16)

Online advertising CO2e emissions are 10% of the total infrastructure emissions and therefore a significant contributor to the environmental impact of the Internet ecosystem. Advertising fraud can be considered a total waste of resources, both economically and environmentally.

What can users do?

pearce.2020.energyconservationopen (pg. 9)

Strikingly, uBlock Origin has the potential to save the average global Internet user more than 100 h annually. The energy conserved if everyone in the United States used an open source ad blocker would save over 36 Americans lives per year if it were to offset coal-fired electricity generated-based pollution.

πŸ”— References

Pearce, J. M. (2020). Energy Conservation with Open Source Ad Blockers. Technologies, 8(2), 18.
PΓ€rssinen, M., Kotila, M., Cuevas, R., Phansalkar, A., & Manner, J. (2018). Environmental impact assessment of online advertising. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 73, 177–200.