GHG Protocol

By: World Resources Institute


GHG Protocol establishes comprehensive global standardized frameworks to measure and manage greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from private and public sector operations, value chains and mitigation actions.


Scopes der Emissionen

worldresourcesinstitute.2011.ghgscopestandard (pg. 7)

The Corporate Standard classifies a company’s direct and indirect GHG emissions into three “scopes,” and requires that companies account for and report all scope 1 emissions (i.e., direct emissions from owned or controlled sources) and all scope 2 emissions (i.e., indirect emissions from the generation of purchased energy consumed by the reporting company). The Corporate Standard gives companies flexibility in whether and how to account for scope 3 emissions (i.e., all other indirect emissions that occur in a company’s value chain).

worldresourcesinstitute.2011.ghgscopestandard (image) (pg. 7)

Overview of GHG Protocol scopes and emissions across the value chain

worldresourcesinstitute.2011.ghgscopestandard (image) (pg. 10)

Relationship between a scope 3 GHG inventory and a product GHG inventory (for a company manufacturing Product A)

worldresourcesinstitute.2011.ghgscopestandard (pg. 29)

Direct emissions are included in scope 1. Indirect emissions are included in scope 2 and scope 3. While a company has control over its direct emissions, it has influence over its indirect emissions. A complete GHG inventory therefore includes scope 1, scope 2, and scope 3.

worldresourcesinstitute.2011.ghgscopestandard (image) (pg. 30)

Overview of the scopes

Scope 1

Alle direkten Emissionen, die im eigenen Verantwortungsbereich liegen.

Scope 2

Die indirekten Emissionen aus außerhalb erzeugtem und eingekauftem Strom, Dampf, Wärme und Kälte

Scope 3

Alle sonstigen indirekten Emissionen, darunter die aus der Herstellung, Transport eingekaufter Güter oder Verteilung und Nutzung der eigenen Produkte oder der Entsorgung von Abfällen; auch Emissionen aufgrund von Geschäftsreisen gehören hierzu.

Die Erfassung der Scope-1- und Scope-2-Emissionen sind verpflichtend, Scope-3 ist optional.