LCA of Electronic Devices


Life-Cycle Assessments of electronic devices make visible the ecological footprint of devices over their full lifetime, including production, packaging, transport, product use and end of life.

Footprint of devices

Carbon Footprint of ICT Devices

Data Sources


Digital & environment : How to evaluate server manufacturing footprint, beyond greenhouse gas emissions? | Boavizta



Gupta, U., Kim, Y. G., Lee, S., Tse, J., Lee, H.-H. S., Wei, G.-Y., Brooks, D., & Wu, C.-J. (2022). Chasing Carbon: The Elusive Environmental Footprint of Computing. IEEE Micro, 42(4), 37–47.

Sutton-Parker, J. (2020). Determining end user computing device Scope 2 GHG emissions with accurate use phase energy consumption measurement. Procedia Computer Science, 175, 484–491.
GrΓΆger, J. et al. (2021) Green Cloud Computing. Umweltbundesamt. Available at:

πŸ”— References

Reducing Embodied Carbon is Important | SIGARCH