Page Weight

What is page weight?

Page weight refers to the byte size of a web page. As it’s no longer 1994, a web page is rarely only the HTML of the URL viewed in a browser’s address bar. Rather, a web page as viewed and rendered in a browser uses specific elements and assets.

This is why page weight is inclusive of all assets used to create the page. These include:

  • The HTML that makes up the page itself
    • Images and other media (video, audio, etc) embedded into the page
  • Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) used for styling the page
  • JavaScript to provide interactivity
  • Third-Party resource containing one or more of the above.

β€” The Web Almanac by HTTP Archive

Status Quo


Brian Louis Ramirez – Why We Need a Green Perf Metric-1700036248446.jpeg

JavaScript Bloat

JavaScript Bloat in 2024 @

What to do?

Reduce size of a web application

Why your website should be under 14kB in size |

πŸ”— References

HTTP Archive: Page Weight

Page Weight | 2022 | The Web Almanac by HTTP Archive