Technology Radar (ThoughtWorks)

By:: ThoughtWorks


The Technology Radar is a snapshot of tools, techniques, platforms, languages and frameworks based on the practical experiences of Thoughtworkers around the world.ย Published twice a year,ย it provides insights on how the world builds software today.ย Use it to identify and evaluate whatโ€™s important to you.


Incoming Links Folder Created
Green Architectural Tactics 30_Knowledge 15. August 2023
Spring Modulith 30_Knowledge/Tools 27. April 2023
Carbon Aware SDK 30_Knowledge/Tools 04. April 2023
Kepler 30_Knowledge/Tools 15. March 2023
Cloud Carbon Footprint 30_Knowledge/Tools 09. March 2023
Mermaid 30_Knowledge/Tools 14. October 2022