
Purpose:: Measure the power consumption of software on bare metal hosts and qemu/kvm virtual machines using RAPL

Source Code::
Community:: Gitter or Matrix

Created by:: Hubblo


Scaphandre is a metrology agent dedicated to electrical power consumption metrics. The goal of the project is to permit to any company or individual to measure the power consumption of its tech services and get this data in a convenient form, sending it through any monitoring or data analysis toolchain.

It can measure the power consumption of software on bare metal hosts and qemu/kvm virtual machines using RAPL.

Scaphandre vs. Green Metrics Tool

The team from Green Coding Solutions thinks, that it is too complex in terms of the size of the tool and it is a problem that it isn't able to handle reproducible orchestration.


Per-Process Measurement

See Measure energy consumption of software per process.

🔗 References

The road to Scaphandre v1.0 - Challenges and improvements to come on IT energy consumption evaluation | CNCF TAG Environmental Sustainability