Zotero Plugins
Plugins I use for Zotero.
I have also a list in GitHub with all Zotero plugins I'm interested in:
Better BibTex for Zotero
GitHub - retorquere/zotero-better-bibtex: Make Zotero effective for us LaTeX holdouts
Better BibTeX (BBT) is an extension for Zotero and Juris-M that makes it easier to manage bibliographic data, especially for people authoring documents using text-based toolchains (e.g. based on LaTeX / Markdown).
Default: auth.lower + shorttitle(3,3) + year
My formula:
authEtal2(sep='.') +"." + year + "." + ShortTitle.transliterate.skipwords.clean.capitalize.len;
authEtal2(sep='.') +"." + year + "." + shorttitle(3,3);
Zotero Scihub
This is an add-on for Zotero and Juris-M that enables automatic download of PDFs for items with a DOI.
MarkDB-Connect (Zotero Markdown DataBase Connect)
- Scans your Markdown database and adds a colored tag to associated Zotero items.
- Jump to Markdown notes from the contextual menu of Zotero items
- Supports various Markdown databases, including Obsidian
Zotero Format Metadata
- Convert Date to ISO format
Actions and Tags for Zotero
GitHub - windingwind/zotero-actions-tags: Customize your Zotero workflow.
Zotero Reading List
GitHub - Dominic-DallOsto/zotero-reading-list: Keep track of whether you've read items in Zotero
GitHub - scitedotai/scite-zotero-plugin: scite zotero plugin
It currently lets you do two main things:
- See classification tallies for each paper based on our Smart Citation data
- Easily go to the scite report page (see below)
Columns: Supporting, Contrasting, Mentioning, Total Distinct Citing Publications, Total Smart Citations
How are citations classified? | scite help desk
For me, "Total Distinct Citing Publications" is sufficient.
arXiv Workflow for Zotero
GitHub - AllanChain/zotero-arxiv-workflow: Helper for managing arXiv papers in Zotero
zotxt: a Zotero extension for text
GitHub - egh/zotxt: zotxt: a Zotero extension for text
Zotero Citation Counts Manager for Zotero 7
replaced by scite
GitHub - FrLars21/ZoteroCitationCountsManager: Enhanced Citation Counts Manager for Zotero 7
Note: Automatic retrieving of the citation count should be disabled because of a bug (issue #2).
Google Scholar Citation Count for Zotero
replaced by scite
A.R.I.A. (Aria) - Your AI Research Assistant
not compatible with Zotero 7
GitHub - MunGell/ZotServer: Zotero Local HTTP Server
ZotServer provides locally accessible HTTP API. This is a convenient way to integrate Zotero with other desktop applications that require access to its database.
not compatible with Zotero 7
ZotFile - Advanced PDF management for Zotero
Zotfile is a Zotero plugin to manage your attachments: automatically rename, move, and attach PDFs (or other files) to Zotero items, sync PDFs from your Zotero library to your (mobile) PDF reader (e.g. an iPad, Android tablet, etc.) and extract annotations from PDF files.