Green Software
Green software is part of Sustainable Computing / Green IT.
Green software can be divided into multiple aspects:
- Energy-efficient β consume the least amount of electricity possible
- Resource-efficient β use the least amount of resources possible (including embodied carbon)
- Carbon-aware β do more when the electricity is cleaner and do less when the electricity is dirtier
Why does it matter?
Software engineers social and environmental responsibility
How to assess the footprint?
Life Cycle Assessment of Software
How to optimize?
Divided by aspect:
Divided by role:
Green Software β What can you do as X?
Divided by lifecycle phase:
- Design: 30_Knowledge/Green Architectural Tactics
- Programming / Development: Energy-efficient Programming
- Deployment & Operation: Energy-efficient Deployment and Operation of Software in the Cloud
Standards & Certifications
Green Software Standards & Certifications
Teaching & Research
π References
GrΓΌner coden: Ressourcen im Blick | heise online
- @Bener.etal.2014.GreenSoftware
- @Naumann.etal.2011.GREENSOFTModel
- @Wycislik.etal.2023.ComparativeAssessmentJVM
- Ioannis Kolaxis β Fighting Climate Change by Building Sustainable Software (GOTO 2022)
- openHPI β clean-IT - Sustainable Software Engineering
- openHPI β clean-IT - Towards Sustainable Digital Technologies
- SDIA β Chris Adams - Sustainability in the Software Layer
- The Linux Foundation β Green Software for Practitioners
- The Principles of Green Software - How Green is Your Application - Sara Bergman - NDC Oslo 2023
Backlinks (not mentioned)
- Bundesverband Green Software
- Energy efficiency as a software quality attribute
- Environmental Impact of Software Estimator
- Green Software Development Manifesto
- Green Software Development Manifesto Community
- Green Software Engineering
- Green Software Expertyzer
- Green Software Measurement Model
- Green Static Code Analysis
- Masterarbeit (public)
- SDIA work related to Green Software
- Slow, inefficient software
- Sustainable Digitalization - Terms & Definitions
- Tools for estimating the sustainability of a software application