Green Software
Green software is part of Sustainable Computing / Green IT.
Green software can be divided into multiple aspects:
- Energy-efficient β consume the least amount of electricity possible
- Resource-efficient β use the least amount of resources possible (including embodied carbon)
- Carbon-aware β do more when the electricity is cleaner and do less when the electricity is dirtier
Why does it matter?
Software engineers social and environmental responsibility
Divided by aspect:
Divided by role:
Green Software β What can you do as X?
Divided by lifecycle phase:
- Design: 30_Knowledge/Green Architectural Tactics
- Programming / Development: Energy-efficient Programming
- Deployment & Operation: Energy-efficient Deployment and Operation of Software in the Cloud
Standards & Certifications
Green Software Standards & Certifications
Teaching & Research
π References
GrΓΌner coden: Ressourcen im Blick | heise online
- @Bener.etal.2014.GreenSoftware
- @Naumann.etal.2011.GREENSOFTModel
- @Wycislik.etal.2023.ComparativeAssessmentJVM
- Ioannis Kolaxis β Fighting Climate Change by Building Sustainable Software (GOTO 2022)
- openHPI β clean-IT - Sustainable Software Engineering
- openHPI β clean-IT - Towards Sustainable Digital Technologies
- SDIA β Chris Adams - Sustainability in the Software Layer
- The Linux Foundation β Green Software for Practitioners
- The Principles of Green Software - How Green is Your Application - Sara Bergman - NDC Oslo 2023
Backlinks (not mentioned)
- Energy efficiency as a software quality attribute
- Environmental Impact of Software Estimator
- Green Software Development Manifesto
- Green Software Development Manifesto Community
- Green Software Engineering
- Green Software Expertyzer
- Green Software Measurement Model
- Green Static Code Analysis
- Masterarbeit (public)
- SDIA work related to Green Software
- Slow, inefficient software
- Sustainable Digitalization - Terms & Definitions
- Tools for estimating the sustainability of a software application