Scientific Research about Green Software
Conferences & Workshops
Overview of deadline countdowns:
Full name: International Workshop on Low Carbon Computing
LOCO 2024:
The 1st International Workshop on Low Carbon Computing (LOCO 2024) will bring together researchers and practitioners with a keen interest in low carbon and sustainable computing. The workshop will provide a forum for sharing new ideas, for presenting ongoing work and early results, as well as for bringing forward well-founded criticism.
International Workshop on Green and Sustainable Software
Findet oftmals als Teil der Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) statt.
The international ICT4S conferences bring together leading researchers in ICT for Sustainability with government and industry representatives, including decision-makers with an interest in using ICT for sustainability, researchers focusing on ICT effects on sustainability and developers of sustainable ICT systems or applications.
IGSC – International Green and Sustainable Computing Conference
IGSC provides a forum for presenting and discussing innovative research on a broad range of topics in the fields of sustainable and energy-efficient computing and computing for a more sustainable planet. The conference consists of technical papers, panels, workshops, PhD Forum, and special sessions on these topics. More details on topics of interest are provided in call for papers (see tabs at the top).
International Workshop on Requirements Engineering for Sustainable Systems
Website by Birgit Penzenstadler:
The RE4SuSy workshop series has established a strong and growing research community around the different aspects of sustainability and how to support them in requirements engineering. Since requirements define how and what a software will do, we maintain that requirements engineering is the key point in software engineering through which sustainability can be fostered.
Measurement and Metrics for Green and Sustainable Software Systems
- - 3rd International Workshop on Measurement and Metrics for Green and Sustainable Software Systems (MeGSuS)
- - Measurement and Metrics for Green and Sustainable Software Systems (MeGSuS)
Computing with Limits (LIMITS)
EnviroInfo 2023
A special focus on this years’ conference will be the topic “Towards a Sustainable Digital Society”. Therefore, EnviroInfo 2023 welcomes papers that are related to topics like:
- Green Computing – a complete overview from development and coding to execution and visualization.
- Sustainable computing, software engineering and digital transformation in general
- Energy-efficient workloads and energy-aware computing concepts
- Harmonization of environmental management information systems
- Shaping our digital society through legal frameworks
Workshop on Sustainable Computer Systems Design and Implementation
HotCarbon aims to bring together researchers and practitioners in computer and networked systems to engage in a lively discussion around sustainability throughout the entire computing lifecycle, focusing on both the operational and embodied impact of computer systems.
Programs so far (with papers, slides and videos):
Research networks
Digitalization for Sustainability – Science in Dialogue (D4S)
The European research network “Digitalization for Sustainability – Science in Dialogue” (D4S) is dedicated to develop a progressive vision for a digitalisation that fosters environmental and social sustainability. The project is funded by Robert Bosch foundation and was mainly active between 1 September 2020 to 31 December 2022, while there still will be ongoing events and talks on the outcomes and vision of the project.
Report Digital Reset:
Lange, S., Santarius, T., Dencik, L., Diez, T., Ferreboeuf, H., Hankey, S., Hilbeck, A., Hilty, L. M., Höjer, M., Kleine, D., Pohl, J., Reisch, L. A., Ryghaug, M., Schwanen, T., & Staab, P. (2023). Digital Reset, Redirecting Technologies for the Deep Sustainability Transformation. oekom Verlag.
Specialized research departments & researchers
Universidade do Minho - Green Software Lab
We are a research team working on reducing energy consumption across various computing systems (mobile, programs, databases, etc.). We specifically focus on the software side, where our mission is to apply (source code) analysis and transformation techniques to detect anomalies in energy consumption and to define optimizations to reduce such consumption.
- Rui Pereira
- João Saraiva
- Bringing Green Software to Computer Science Curriculum
- Pereira, R., Couto, M., Ribeiro, F., Rua, R., Cunha, J., Fernandes, J. P., & Saraiva, J. (2017). Energy efficiency across programming languages: How do energy, time, and memory relate? Proceedings of the 10th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Software Language Engineering, 256–267.
Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld (Hochschule Trier) - Green Software Engineering
- Prof. Dr. Stefan Naumann
- Achim Guldner
- Franziska Mai
- Eva Kern (not anymore)
- …
- Green Coding - Analyse der derzeitigen Green Coding-Praktiken, Analyse wie Green Cording-Konzepte in Studiengänge integriert werden können
- GREENSOFT - Referenzmodell für die nachhaltige Erstellung und Nutzung von Software
- REFOPLAN 2020 - Ressourceneffiziente Software (Blauer Engel auch für Client-Server-Systeme und Mobile Anwendungen)
- Enhancing Software Engineering Processes towards Sustainable Software Product Design (Dick, Naumann 2010)
- The GREENSOFT Model (Naumann, Dick, Kern, Johann 2011)
- Umweltzeichen Blauer Engel für ressourcen- und energieeffiziente Softwareprodukte (Naumann, Kern, Guldner, Gröger 2021)
- Entwicklung und Anwendung von Bewertungsgrundlagen für ressourceneffiziente Software unter Berücksichtigung bestehender Methodik (Gröger, Köhler, Naumann, Filler, Guldner, Kern, Hilty, Maksimov 2018)
- Obergöker, K., (2022): Analysis and evaluation of mobile apps with regard to resource efficiency and data volumes - Methodologies and tools. In: Wohlgemuth, V., Naumann, S., Arndt, H.-K., Behrens, G. & Höb, M. (Hrsg.), EnviroInfo 2022. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. p. 189. Available online:
- Guldner, A.; Kern, E.; Kreten, S.; Naumann, S.: Criteria for Sustainable Software Products: Analyzing Software, Informing Users, and Politics. In Calero, C.; Moraga, M. A.; Piattini, M. (Eds.) Software Sustainability, pp. 17–42, ISBN 978-3-030-69969-7, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-69970-3, Springer Nature Switzerland, 2021
- Naumann, S.; Guldner,A. & Kern, E. : The Eco-label Blue Angel for Software - Development and Components. In Advances and New Trends in Environmental Informatics - Digital Twins for Sustainability, pp. 79–89, Springer, 2021
- Mancebo, J; Guldner, A.; Kern, E.; Kesseler, P.; Kreten, S.; Garcia, F.; Calero, C.; Naumann, S.: Assessing the Sustainability of Software Products - A Method Comparison. In: Schaldach R., Simon KH., Weismüller J., Wohlgemuth V. (eds) Advances and New Trends in Environmental Informatics. Progress in IS. Springer, Cham
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - Software and Sustainability Group
Led by: Prof. Dr. Patricia Lago
Project about software energy efficiency (teaching + research): Green Lab
- Carving Sustainability into Architecture Knowledge Practice — Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- Framing Sustainability as a Property of Software Quality — Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- Architecture design decision maps for software sustainability — Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- Challenges and opportunities for sustainable software — Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- Green IT and Green Software — Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- …
University of Zurich – Informatics and Sustainability Research Group
Led by: Lorenz Hilty
Our research covers four areas (details on our research page):
- The footprint of digital technologies
- Pathways to a sustainable digital society
- Modelling and simulation for sustainability
- Supporting sustainable development with data and tools
- A review of assessments of the greenhouse gas footprint and abatement potential of information and communication technology (Bieser, Hintemann, Hilty, Beucker 2023)
- ICT for sustainability: an emerging research field
- Sustainable software products - towards assessment criteria for resource and energy efficiency
- Assessing Indirect Environmental Effects of Information and Communication Technology (ICT): A Systematic Literature Review
- …
Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha – Green Team Alarcos
Led by: Coral Calero
We are interested in how the software companies should develop their business in order to produce the best software in the best way, what is related to Software Sustainability.
Considering the three kinds of resources needed by software life cycle processes:
- Human Resources (people involved in carrying out the software processes)
- Economic Resources (needed to finance the software processes) and energy
- Resources (all the resources that the software consumes during its life)
Publications about green software:
- A process for analysing the energy efficiency of software
- Does maintainability relate to the energy consumption of software? A case study
- Energy efficiency in software: A case study on sustainability in personal health records
- Investigating the impact on execution time and energy consumption of developing with Spring
- 5Ws of Green and Sustainable Software
- How sustainable are model software artifacts in the context of model driven software engineering
- Green in software engineering
- EET: a device to support the measurement of software consumption
- …
KTH – Sustainable Futures Lab
Led by: Elina Eriksson & Daniel Pargman
Our interests span sustainability in ICT (decreasing the environmental footprint of ICT technologies in themselves), sustainability by ICT (using ICT to decrease the environmental footprint of other sectors in society), as well as overarching aspects pertaining to the role of, and the relationship between ICT and individual, collective, organizational and societal sustainability.
- B. Nardi et al.,
Universität Pau und Pays de l'Adour – Adel Noureddine
University of Alberta – Abram Hindle
University of Lille – Romain Rouvoy
Research group: SPIRALS
Google Scholar:
Publications (except):
- Studying the Energy Consumption of Stream Processing Engines in the Cloud
- Uncovering the Environmental Impact of Software Life Cycle
- Evaluating the Impact of Java Virtual Machines on Energy Consumption
- Comparing the Energy Consumption of Java I/O Libraries and Methods
- On Reducing the Energy Consumption of Software: From Hurdles to Requirements
- Taming Energy Consumption Variations In Systems Benchmarking
- Investigating the energy impact of Android smells
- @Jagroep.etal.2017.AwakeningAwarenessEnergy
- @Noureddine.etal.2015.MonitoringEnergyHotspots
TU Delft – Luís Cruz
Papers about Green Software
My paper notes
Note | Title | Authors |
@Wycislik.etal.2023.ComparativeAssessmentJVM | A Comparative Assessment of JVM Frameworks to Develop Microservices | Wyciślik, Łukasz; Latusik, Łukasz; Kamińska, Anna Małgorzata |
@vanHasselt.etal.2022.ComparingEnergyEfficiency | Comparing the Energy Efficiency of WebAssembly and JavaScript in Web Applications on Android Mobile Devices | van Hasselt, Max; Huijzendveld, Kevin; Noort, Nienke; de Ruijter, Sasja; Islam, Tanjina; Malavolta, Ivano |
@Purnomo.etal.2021.FourDecadesGreenComputingStudy | Four Decades of the Green Computing Study: A Bibliometric Overview | Purnomo, Agung; Anam, Fatkul; Afia, Nur; Septianto, Andre; Mufliq, Achmad |
@Naumann.etal.2011.GREENSOFTModel | The GREENSOFT Model: A reference model for green and sustainable software and its engineering | Naumann, Stefan; Dick, Markus; Kern, Eva; Johann, Timo |
@Leiserson.etal.2020.TheresPlentyRoomTop | There’s plenty of room at the Top: What will drive computer performance after Moore’s law? | Leiserson, Charles E.; Thompson, Neil C.; Emer, Joel S.; Kuszmaul, Bradley C.; Lampson, Butler W.; Sanchez, Daniel; Schardl, Tao B. |
@Kreten.2021.ModellbildungUndUmsetzung | Modellbildung und Umsetzung von Methoden zur energieeffizienten Nutzung von Containertechnologien | Kreten, Sandro |
@Georgiou.etal.2020.SoftwareDevelopmentLifecycleEnergyEfficiency | Software Development Lifecycle for Energy Efficiency: Techniques and Tools | Georgiou, Stefanos; Rizou, Stamatia; Spinellis, Diomidis |
@Belgaid.2022.GreenCoding | Green coding : an empirical approach to harness the energy consumption of software services | Belgaid, Mohammed Chakib |
@Bener.etal.2014.GreenSoftware | Green Software | Bener, Ayse Basar; Morisio, Maurizio; Miranskyy, Andriy |