Teaching Green Software Engineering


Software engineers social and environmental responsibility

Aktueller Stand

Pang, C., Hindle, A., Adams, B., & Hassan, A. E. (2016). What Do Programmers Know about Software Energy Consumption? IEEE Software, 33(3), 83–89. https://doi.org/10.1109/MS.2015.83
Torre, D., Procaccianti, G., Fucci, D., Lutovac, S., & Scanniello, G. (2017). On the Presence of Green and Sustainable Software Engineering in Higher Education Curricula. 2017 IEEE/ACM 1st International Workshop on Software Engineering Curricula for Millennials (SECM), 54–60. https://doi.org/10.1109/SECM.2017.4


Changing the world one engineer at a time – unmaking the traditional engineering education when introducing sustainability subjects (Eidenskog, Leifler, Sefyrin, Johnson, Asplund 2023)

eidenskog.etal.2023.changingworldone (pg. 12)

The traditional engineering education cannot be combined with the sustainable development agenda, as it takes up space and time from other, often more traditional engineering, subjects. The unmaking of the traditional engineering education therefore introduces conflicts as subjects that previously were seen as central to becoming an engineer now are enacted as obsolete, which leads to some teachers feeling the need to “fight for their subjects” in relation to the so-called soft skills.

eidenskog.etal.2023.changingworldone (pg. 12)

Instead of accepting the divide between “soft” and “core” subjects, we aim to open for new ways to discuss the future of the engineering education by internalizing a broader approach to problem-solving which includes sustainability.

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🔗 References

How do we Teach Green Software? by Environment Variables with Luís Cruz

Bringing Green Software to Computer Science Curriculum (Saraiva, Zong, Pereira 2021)